Saturday, July 21, 2007

sunglasses at night

I know the smell of a Kur. I know the sound. I don't know if there was actually a Kur at the falls or if it was some sick joke by some really bored spoiled Red Caste brats. All I know is that my reaction was instant and instinct as I grabbed the woman I had yet to touch. It happened so fast that it took time for her to soak through the heavy velvets she was wearing. I felt my soul filling slowly and without sign it was going to stop any time soon. I know all the secret trails that the animals use. I know every escape route and every secondary plan to get from point A to point B without getting caught. So it was simple enough to get her back to the gates into the city proper from the more wild gardens and falls. Usually though I am not carting a screaming woman intent on not going anywhere with me and certainly not quietly. But that was as far as I was going. I had drawn my sword to start back for Heidi .. not forgetting the reason I was earning coin in the first place .. but that is when my knee went out from under me. My legs refused to work properly but that was not my most pressing issue. My sight was gone. Blind as a wounded bat.

No .. I did not need this happening here. Not here. Her screaming had surely alerted every testosterone filled Red Caste between here and the Anbar district. That was all I needed .. Ar's finest relieving the poor abused free woman of the naughty barbarian who was molesting her sacred vessel. What dysfunctional maggot took root in my brain to even give a shit I don't know. But now I was going to pay for it with my life if I did not think quickly.

But thinking quickly was not to be for I ended up retching my guts out until I thought for sure the base of my balls came out passed my teeth with ichor drenched bile. That sucked. Problem was I had a little difficulty controlling all the sudden emotions flittering inside me like sparrows scratching and fluttering against the inside of my skull. Twitterpated was a fucking understatement. This of course all manifested itself in a fit of sniggering giggles. I sounded like a horny catholic school girl. I nearly turned myself on. It was contagious. The scene was gruesome morbidities at their finest for heightened blood pressure from the exertion, the run, and the sudden experience of all the emotions at once exploded many tiny capillaries.

Why wouldn't she leave me alone? Why wouldn't she just go? Was she trying to get me killed? Was this paybacks for dragging her away and putting my dirty paws on her precious pristine person? I can't remember all that happened. I can't remember what all I said. I know I wanted nothing more than for her to go away and yet ... I needed her to stay. The gift was incredible. I wanted it more than anything. There was just no time to enjoy it here. I ... didn't want to be impaled for it. There was a lot I intended to do yet with my miserable life and I wasn't done wasting it... damn it.

She left me .. when I could see again. I remember returning to the main parts of the city. I remember I had a few emotions I hadn't been able to shed off yet still trying to crawl through my eye sockets. I remember ... I remember I didn't look back.