Saturday, July 21, 2007

spider bite shots

She wasn't what I was looking for. She didn't even resemble what I wanted. She couldn't give me what I needed. But unlike the Scarab I can do generic brands.

The cool sweet clarity that slipped through my veins after the roller coaster ride was enough to freeze my paranoia for a few hours. Like a crystal winter wonderland of experience I explored the finer points of life. Running the gambit of emotions I stepped from one to the other like a carnival of mirrors. I studied myself in each one and I was fascinated. What beautiful skins my Mary Jane gave me in this Dance Macabre. How normal I felt in each one as I paraded them for the generic watcher on the chair.

She reacted to each one appropriately. For that I am grateful. But by the end of the show she was drunk.

Little blue spider bite shots.

I drank her under the table. She couldn't hold her liquor. Like I said, she wasn't what I needed. But the temporary fix did me good. Good enough I left to prowl the streets. The emperor with his new clothes.

Problem with that was I forgot where I left her. That could be bad. I hope that doesn't come back to haunt me. Spider bites are hard to miss.

While I was strolling the strip and stretching out my new skins I spied him.